Well, 2012 is here! Are you ready? We are! OK, you say, how are you ready? Well, we have reviewed our strategic plan, made some adjustments, have completed [...]
The title of today’s blog came from a discussion I was in with some business owners. The key point to the discussion was that there is real value in taking [...]
The title to this post is one that many business owners hear constantly. It is always cheaper on the Internet. Interestingly, we are a real fan of the small business [...]
I met with a business owner the other day. We were talking about a wide variety of matters– however, I mentioned to him that a mutual acquaintance of ours had told [...]
While visiting with a business owner the other day, we were discussing a variety of matters. As we talked about some folks who lived in a certain neighborhood, [...]
I went to the Dentist the other day and the dental hygienist told me that “She Loved it HERE” as she was cleaning my teeth! Today, you don’t find very many [...]
A business owner told me that the other day when I was in his store! The product, small, but quite expensive, read over $4000, was a product that his store carries. The [...]
A business owner told me the title to today’s blog yesterday when I was in to see him. He was frustrated because he was about to have a conversation with an acquaintance [...]
I went to dinner with some friends from church today. The little greasy spoon cafe where we go is close to the church, has good food and is reasonably priced. [...]
We met with a business owner the other day. She was expanding her business and turning it over to her sons plus one hired man. The business is in the [...]