The idea of setting clear work expectations before a new employee begins work is paramount to success in any business, especially in today’s work environment. My neighbor is a [...]
I was on the airplane the other day and visited with a lady that I had not seen in several months. She had told me that she had left the firm where she previously worked. When [...]
The question, “Do you have enough inventory for the sales season” is one that is getting lots of ink currently in the business press. Many companies, during [...]
I visited a building site the other day and talked with the foreman. The work crew was installing and taping drywall on the interior of the building. As I watched the crew use [...]
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With 25% of 2010 gone, now is the time for you to review your operating plan and see what changes, if any, need to be made. Although this has been a rough year so far, all of the [...]
I had to buy some tires last week for my car. I went to a local tire store that I had been recommended to go to by local medial professional. According to this medical [...]
I was visiting with a business owner the other day. He told me that he had installed some video surveillance equipment in his business to ostensibly improve organizational [...]
Last week I was away at a client engagement. I stayed at a motel that had a coffee shop/restaurant/bar co-located with it. On the first morning of the engagement, the waitress offered [...]