In our last blog post, we addressed the key trait that Google found that was epic in identifying great employees. This trait trumped grade point averages, credentials, licenses and [...]
Guess what, today is January 16, 2014! We are already through 50% of January 2014 already! Where did the time go? After all of the challenges we experienced in [...]
Recently, a major storm arrived and brought with it snow, ice and freezing cold weather. The wind was so strong that roofs were damaged and car ports were turned over. [...]
In today’s modern world, teams are used to address, develop. solve and implement many problems. However, most leaders make the team substantially larger and more [...]
One of our consultants had lunch with a banker today. The banker called and wanted to have lunch. She said that she had a client that could use our [...]
We had a young millennial colleague call today and discuss a matter that was very troubling to her. She is working for a new start up firm. Her owners are [...]
Our firm recently attended a large aviation conference where part of the program was on the workforce of tomorrow. One of the main topics at the conference was [...]