The Ashton Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas had a new air conditioning compressor installed on the roof of the building the other day. As I watched the crane operator [...]
We are currently searching for some printing services for our new office in Fort Worth, Texas. Our staff has visited with several printers and shown/explained what we [...]
I was in a jewelry store the other day in Fort Worth, Texas. Fort Worth has become our new office location. As I talked with the jeweler, he told me that had been a [...]
I was in a business the other day and one of the senior managers told me the title of today’s blog, Nobody Told Us They Were Coming! Now, what was she talking [...]
As I continue our tour of the country, we spent the weekend in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. For those of you who have never been there, it is a fun place. I have been coming [...]
On my trip around the country, I stayed in a little Hotel the other nite in central Oklahoma. This is basically a bed and breakfast place. The place was fine. [...]
A friend of mine was telling me about his home that he has currently rented in Omaha, Nebraska. The home, a 4 bedroom family home is located in a nice area of suburban [...]
I toured a national soft drink beverage bottler last week while on an engagement in Florida. Our client wanted us to tour this facility to gain some ideas for their [...]
I was in the grocery store the other day and the buzz throughout the store was the road detour a couple of blocks away. Many of the customers, the clerks as well as [...]
A business owner told me the other day that the supplier’s truck that was supposed to arrive at 8:30am, it arrived at 12:30PM– 4 hours later than she had [...]