The Air Force is big on training. No matter what the job or task, receiving a lot of training before one was allowed to “solo” was big deal. In the Air Force, we [...]
The customer ordered a pre fabricated metal shed to be erected to cover his boat. The metal came from an East Coast fabrication facility, was of high quality, powder coated and [...]
A business owner confided in us the other day that all of his new employees who are millennials are deathly afraid of the telephone. This generation has grown up with portable electronic [...]
The past several days, we were with clients in Arkansas. One of the places which we stayed was the Red Apple Inn and County Club in Heber Springs, Arkansas. What a [...]
We are just hours away from being ready to launch a new service offering that will be of benefit to anyone seeking a new career opportunity! As we promised [...]
The Key To Success! One of our clients addressed why using a small, home town business is always bigger than using a big box store or Internet company. [...]
It is common for many baby boomer managers and older workers to think, “Just let me do my job, get my time in so that I can retire and get out of [...]
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal identified one of the key traits of a successful leader. That trait is recognition– of all the people that are around he/she. A successful leader [...]
Recently, we were asked about new job opportunities for recent graduates of college, as well as individuals who are changing careers. Interestingly, there are many [...]