Colored pencils are the tools of the artist. In order to draw a picture, the artist must have a wide variety of colored pencils. The same is true for supply chain flexibility. Supply chain [...]
Background checks and due diligence followup are keys to ensuring that you do not hire a toxic employee! Bad attitudes, lack of proficient work skills and possessing an “entitled” [...]
Succession planning and career growth are essential for a successful business. OVERVIEW A question often overlooked in the operation of a business, non-profit enterprise, or government entity is [...]
An interesting Supreme Court Case in Mississippi gives rise to knowing very clearly how company credit cards are used by employees. OVERVIEW In this case, company credit cards were used by [...]
Military skills can clearly transition to the business world and private sector! Attention to detail, promptness, cleanliness, focus on task at hand and always be willing to go the extra mile [...]
Succession planning for a business is one the toughest jobs a business owner has to face. How do you sell the business, pass it on to heirs, (if they are interested, willing and able to [...]
Thinking–The concept is amazing, if not surprising to many individuals! Who does thinking anymore when we have social media? OVERVIEW Thinking is one of the most important traits that a [...]
Memorial Day is the last Monday in May—a day in which we honor the patriots that have gone before us to allow us to enjoy the freedoms that we cherish so dearly. Each patriot possesses an [...]
Many people engage professionals for a wide variety of services, and then elect not to follow the advice or direction that is provided. Medical doctors are familiar with this scenario. [...]
A expert witness is an individual who possesses the knowledge and expertise to understand the key critical nuances of a legal matter. He/she is then able to carefully but clearly, in easy to [...]