The toxic employee requires expenditures of both time and money. But you can only spend so much before you need to make that difficult leadership decision. After you’ve had serious talk, [...]
As a manager or supervisor, you must face the toxic employee matter directly and confidently. This is not a time to pretend the problem doesn’t exist, though certainly that would be most [...]
One of our consultants talked with a refrigerator repairman the other day. The repairman is an independent businessman who works throughout the United States repairing industrial refrigeration [...]
A neat workspace that has “everything in its place” is one where it is comfortable (even fun) to work. But that’s not all: such an environment also reduces stress and excess mental pressure. If [...]
Being forced to reduce staff is unpleasant no matter when it must be done. However, the implementation, adaptation and use of lean guidelines allows a business to operate more efficiently and [...]
Reviewing numbers every quarter, the manufacturing manager knew and recognized that business was slow. After all, he worked in sales three days a week, travelling all over the East Coast [...]
A business owner contacted our firm last week about a variety of business matters which we were successfully able to address. However, during the conversation, this business owner stated that he [...]
A community leader had a discussion with one of our consultants the other day. As the discussion unfolded, we talked about prizes our firm awarded but were not used by winners at a recent [...]
Underlying every strong relationship is communication. Communication is dependent on empathy and understanding. In business, these are invaluable components of your success. Only through them [...]
The better data one has, the better decisions a business leader can make. No matter what industry sector your business operates in, data tools are available to provide better data analysis and [...]