When you discover that a trusted employee has breached your trust, such as having been caught stealing from your firm, your first thoughts might be, “How could this happen? Why did I not see [...]
Our staff was travelling last week and stayed in a hotel where the rooms had coffee makers that made eight different kinds of coffee drinks at the push of a button! We thought we had to have a [...]
The world of commerce is changing at lightning speed. Technology, new computing devices and the Internet of Things (IOT) all catalyze rapid changes globally. Even in the world of small [...]
In the past 2 weeks, the United States has experienced Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Both hurricanes struck the Southeastern parts of the USA, causing catastrophic damage to homes, buildings, oil [...]
The Eclipse is Over– actually, the eclipse lasted about 2 minutes, depending upon where you were viewing it from. The buzz that the eclipse has generated is fantastic! What are you doing [...]
During the last month, the Rotary Club of Fort Worth has hosted a foreign exchange student from Germany. This student, in his early 20’s, has had the opportunity start early and stay late. [...]
In today’s job market, many employers are testing applicants to see if they can actually do the job that they are interviewing for. You may say you’re prepared for the interview, but [...]
If you have a successful company, you may be thinking about opening a second business location. Regardless of where you’re thinking about opening the new location, if you don’t take [...]
Perhaps you have your personal affairs in order – a will, life insurance, etc. – but what about your business affairs? Who will step in to keep your business running smoothly in the event of your [...]
The toxic employee requires expenditures of both time and money. But you can only spend so much before you need to make that difficult leadership decision. After you’ve had serious talk, [...]